Nodal-Cell (ICAR)
Nodal-Cell (ICAR)
ICAR Nodal cell has been established in the University in 2016 for effective coordination between University and Agricultural Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi for better education planning, strengthening linkages, human resources development and quality assurance of the higher agricultural education.
Contact Details of Nodal Cell (ICAR)

Prof. Hemant Deshpande
Nodal Officer & Associate Prof. of Food Technology,
ICAR Nodal Cell, VNMKV, Parbhani
Phone No. 02452-222687
E-mail: [email protected]
Please click following links for further details
Guidelines for National Talent Scholarships (2016)
Guidelines for Student Ready (Rural Entrepreneurship and Awareness Development Yojana)
Guidelines for funding Support under Plan Scheme "Strengthening and Development of Higher Agricultural Education in India”
Guidelines for "Experiential Learning - Setting up Facilities for Hands on Training"
Guidelines for "Niche Area of Excellence Programme"
Rules/ Guidelines governing the award of RAWE (Rural Awareness Works Experience) scheme for graduates in agricultural sciences other than veterinary science trained by Agricultural Universities
Revised Guidelines for Implementation of SCSP/TSP by the States/UTs
Please click following links for further details
Proforma for Annual Report under the Central Development Assistance from ICAR to Agricultural Universities
Proforma for Submission of Project Proposal under Niche Area of Excellence
Proforma for Submission of Demand under “Strengthening and Development of Agricultural Universities (Development Grant)”
Proforma for Submission of Impact Report under Library Strengthening
Note : In Case of Doubt, the displayed information must be verified with authentic source with the concern office. University will not be responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the content being published on Net. The content published on net are for immediate information to the candidates only.