

Extension Education in agriculture and allied fields is concerned with dissemination of agricultural technologies evolved by the university & ICAR Institutes to the doorsteps of the farmers to increase crop production on one hand and to bring the feedbacks to research system on the other hand. It also aims to transfer of knowledge and skill about agriculture and allied fields and build competence among the farmers and other clientele groups through various extension programmes.

The Directorate of Extension Education is carrying out the extension activities with the help of Training and Visit Scheme, Extension Education Unit, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, and Agricultural Technology Information Center.

  • To plan, implement, co-ordinate and monitor the agricultural extension education programmes in eight districts of Marathwada region.
  • To assist and coordinate state department of agriculture, public sector and voluntary organizations in effective management of extension education systems.
  • Organization of front line Extension Education Programmes.

  • 1975 – Extension Education Unit
  • 1975 - Communication Centre
  • 1981 - Directorate of Extension Education
  • 1983 - Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Aurangabad
  • 2000 - Agril. Tech. Information Centre
  • 2000 - Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Tuljapur
  • 2003 - Regional Agril.Extn. Edn. Centres
  • 2010 - Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Khamgaon Dist. Beed
  • 2018 - Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Badnapur Dist. jalna

Regional Agril. Extension Education Centres jurisdiction
Sr. No. Centre Districts
1. Regional Agril. Extension Education Centre, Ambajogai Beed & Osmanabad
2. Regional Agril. Extension Education Centre, Aurangabad Aurangabad & Jalna
3. Regional Agril. Extension Education Centre, Parbhani Parbhani & Hingoli
4. Regional Agril. Extension Education Centre, Latur Latur & Nanded

  • Providing training support to farmers, farmwomen, youth and entrepreneurs.
  • Demonstrations on farmers’ fields for verification of new technologies under varying resources-based conditions.
  • Training of extension personnel of State Department of Agriculture and other development agencies and rural youths.
  • Organizing field days, farmers’ rallies, crop seminars and farmers’ visits.
  • Organizing agricultural exhibitions and film shows.
  • Co-ordination of All-India Radio (AIR) and Television (TV) programmes by the university scientists.
  • Participation in extension activities organized by other agencies.
  • Providing solutions to problems faced by the farmers in the adoption to new technologies through different medias.
  • Publications like leaflets, booklets, folders, agricultural diaries; calendars containing the recent technologies evolved by the university are prepared and supplied to the extension workers and farmers on large scale.

  • Providing technical support to the extension workers of the State Department of Agriculture
  • Organization of monthly district workshops, pre-seasonal training programmes, short-term trainings
  • Organization of field visits, diagnostic team visits, farmers rallies agril. Exhibitions, etc.
  • Organization of field days, group discussions, crop demonstrations, etc.

  • Farm advisory services, demonstration of latest technologies.
  • Vocational trainings of the farmers, farmwomen and young farmers.
  • In-service trainings of the field level functionaries of the State Government/Zilla Parishad/ NGOs.
  • On-farm research/farming system research.

  • Need-based survey for identification of farmers’ needs and optimum use of available resources.
  • Conduct of long and short duration income generating training courses for the resource poor people at KVK campus i.e. on campus and off-campus.
  • Organizing field visits, farmers’ rallies, radio talks for the benefit of the farmers.
  • Training rural women in respect of nutrition, health, sanitation and household enterprises.
  • Develop liaison with small-scale industries.
  • Organize training porgrammes for integrated rural development.
  • Increase effective ways and means to bridge the gap between farm education and its application in the field.

  • To provide single window delivery system for seeds, planting materials and other products like bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, agricultural implements, processed products and literature etc.
  • To provide direct access to the farmers to communicate developed technologies and inputs.
  • To provide diagnostic and advisory services such as soil and water testing, plant and animal health clinic etc.
  • To create mechanism for receiving feedbacks from the farmers and communication of the same to research system for solution or refinement.
Sr. No. Designation Name Contact No. E-mail ID
1. Director Extension Education Dr. D. B. Deosarkar 7588082152 [email protected]
2. Chief Extension Education Officer Dr. P. R. Deshmukh 7588082902 [email protected]
3. Extension Agronomist. RAEEC, Ambajogai Dr. V. P. Suryawanshi 9423777314 [email protected]
4. Extension Agronomist. RAEEC, Aurangabad Dr. S. B. Pawar 9422178982 [email protected]
5. Extension Agronomist. RAEEC, Parbhani Dr. G. D. Gadade 7588082139, 8999100643 [email protected]
6. Extension Agronomist. RAEEC, Latur Pro. A.V. Gutte 9422470667, 8888906797 [email protected]
7. Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Aurangabad Dr. K. K. Zade 9921808138 [email protected]
8. Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Tuljapur Dr. L. S. Deshmukh (Incharge) 9422378482, 7620777823 [email protected]
9. Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Khamgaon Dist. Beed Dr. Dipti Patgaonkar (Incharge) 8999236684, 9404988770 [email protected]
10. Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Badnapur Dist. Jalna Dr. S. D. Somwanshi 9404957356 [email protected]
11. Manager Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Parbhani Dr. G. D. Gadade 7588082139, 8999100643 [email protected]

Sr. No. Place Organization Name of Senior Scientist & Head Contact No. E-mail ID
1. Parbhani Jivan Jyoti Charitable Trust, Parbhani Dr. Prashant Bhosle (02452) 223045, 9421386929 [email protected]
2. Kharpudi Dist. Jalna Marathwada Sheti Sahaya Mandal, Jalna Dr. Sonwane (02482) 235686, 7350013146 [email protected]
3. Dighol Amba Dist. Beed Dindayal Sodha Sansthan,Ambajogai Dr. V. A. Deshmukh 9421055865 [email protected]
4. Tondapur Dist. Hingoli Sant Namdev Sevabhavi Sanstha Dr. P. P. Shelke (02455) 248493, 9765390976 [email protected]
5. Pokharni (Phata) Dist. Nanded Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Education and Technology Reserach, KVK Nanded. Dr. Devikant Deshmukh (02462) 270115, 9890909696 [email protected]
6. Latur Manjra Charitablr Trust, Latur Dr. S. S. Digrase (02382) 267411, 9404957511 [email protected]
7. Gandheli Dist. Aurangabad Mahatma Gandhi Mission, Aurangabad Dr. K. A. Sukase 9421409085, 9423471294 [email protected]
8. Sagroli Dist. Nanded Sanskruti Seva Mandal Charitablr Trust, Sagroli Dr. Madhuri Revanwar 9403962014 [email protected]

Sr.No. Name of Scheme/Centre Year of Establishment Head Quarter/ Address Remarks
01. Extension Education Unit 1975-76 VNMKV, Parbhani  
02. Training & Visit System 1981-82 Parbhani, Aurangabad, Ambajogai

Since 2003 the offices of the Extension Agronomists under T & V System were strengthened and four Regional Agril. Extension Education Centre (RAEECs) were established at Parbhani, Aurangabad, Ambajogai and Latur.

03. Directorate of Extension Education 1981-82 VNMKV, Parbhani  
04 Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Aurangabad 1983 Aurangabad Dist. Aurangabad
05. Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Tuljapur 2000 Tuljapur Dist. Osmanabad  
06. Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) 2000 VNMKV, Parbhani  
07. Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Khamgaon 2010 Khamgaon, Tq. Georai Dist. Beed    

The Directorate of Extension Education has been striving to undertake the extension activities in an innovative manner. The efforts made so far have resulted into a number of successes, which could be the major achievements, as follows :

  • In order to support the extension agency with technical competence and to undertake ideal extension education endeavors, the Directorate has been strengthened by horizontal expansion. Four RAEECs have been established at Parbhani, Aurangabad, Ambajogai and Latur. The Extension Agronomists and the resource scientists organize visits to the farmers field, diagnose the problems and provide solution for the same.
Extension Achievements

  • The specialized short and long durational trainings have been organized on a massive scale for the staff of the State Department of Agriculture and other developmental departments as well as for farmers, farmwomen and youths. The need-based trainings have been conducted on the subjects like, IPM, INM, horticulture, sericulture, vermicomposting, animal husbandry and dairying, post-harvest technology, food processing, export-oriented production, mushroom production etc.
Extension Achievements

  • The university has given vital technical support to the State Department of Agriculture through conducting monthly district workshops on regular basis in each district of Marathwada.
  • In addition to occasional farmers rallies, the Directorate of Extension Education organizes 3 big rallies at Marathwada region level to signify important historical events like University Foundation Day, Marathwada Liberation Day and birth anniversary of a great social revolutionist Kranti Joyti Savitribai Phule. The University scientists also participate and guides farmers in the farmer’s rallies organized by the SDA and line departments
Extension Achievements

  • University Scientists from different Extension Centres, Colleges, Research Stations and Schemes regularly visits to the farmers fields. They solve the field problems of the farmers on the spot during these visits by assessing the crop condition in the field.
Extension Achievements

  • The University has demonstrated maximum genetic production potential of major crops in the field conditions through front line demonstrations throughout Marathwada region . These activities created awareness among the farmers about new varieties and trained them with modern technological packages of practices recommended by the University.
Extension Achievements
  • This activity also provided an opportunity to the University Scientists to demonstrate the validity and relevance of their experimental findings. The observations made by the scientists during visits to the demonstration plots are used as feedback for planning future programmes. These demonstrations encouraged the farmers in adopting latest technologies and thereby increased their farm productivity.
  • University organizes exhibitions on the eve of Kharif farmers Rally, Rabi farmers Rally and Women Rally on 18th May, 17th September and 3rd January every year respectively. The exhibitions were also organized on the eve seminars and workshops. Besides the University, SDA and other line Departments, Fertilizer, Seed , Pesticide companies , NGOs and SHGs were participated in these exhibitions and showcase their technologies and products and Bi-products.

  • The Directorate of Extension Education publishes three extension publications every year namely Agricultural Diary, Farm Magazine and Calendar on regular basis.
  • The Directorate of Extension Education also published various publications containing information on crop production technologies. More than two dozen publications are available at present having current interest to the farmers.
Extension Achievements
  • For easy access and communication Telephone Help Lines have been started at ATIC, Parbhani, KVK Aurangabad and RAEEC Latur. The novel idea of establishing telephone help-lines is for answering the queries of farmers and entrepreneurs. These facilities helped a big mass of farmers.
  • SMS facility for the farmers is in operation from January 2011 at ATIC, Parbhani. Messages on the modern agricultural technologies and solutions to the problems faced by the farmers were given on the Mobile.
  • Touch Screen facility for the benefit of farming community is available at Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Parbhani. Information on agriculture and allied fields is available to the farmers by simply touching the screen.

  • The university has reached the doorsteps of the farmers in real terms by the way of mobile crop polyclinic wherein the facilities are available for diagnosis of pest and diseases.
Extension Achievements
Special Extension Programmes

Project entitled "Transfer of Integrated crop management Technologies developed by VNMKV, Parbhani" under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) is in operation since Rabi 2011. Budget outlay of the project was Rs.575 lakh (Rupees Five hundred seventy five lakhs only) for the period of three years i.e. 2011-12 to 2013-14. The same project was continued for the year 2014-15. The New TOT project with similar objectives was sanctioned for the period of next three years (2015-16 to 2017-18) with budget out lay of Rs. 460.00 lakhs. Under this project demonstrations were conducted on the farmers’ field through cluster approach and recommended technologies were demonstrated on farmer’s field. 1000 to 1200 demonstration on important crops of the region are organized during every season. Various extension programmes and exposure visits are also organized for benefit of farmers. The results of project helped in increasing knowledge and skill of the farmers and increased adoption of university technologies by the farmers. The beneficiaries were further disseminated university technologies to other farmers. Efforts made through RKVY extension programmes also resulted in to multiplier effect reaching the demonstrated technologies in vicinity.

Extension Achievements
Extension Achievements

Special extension campaign "Vidyapeeth Apalya Dari, Tantradnyan Shetawari" was launched by university and is in operation since last five year.

The campaign was launched with the objective to educate farmers on crop production technology, to boost up the productivity of different crops specially pulses and oilseeds, to solve the problems of farmers on the spot and to generate hope among farmers. Under this programme a team of experienced scientists visited villages as per the pre-decided schedule. The farmers appreciated the programme for its direct utility to them. The responsibility of launching the progrmme was shouldered to ATIC Manager and Extension Agronomists with the involvement of experts from different Colleges and Research Stations.

Extension Achievements
Extension Achievements

Due to continuous natural calamities like drought, heavy rains and hailstorms, farmers in Marathwada have been loosing crops in the last five years. Number of farmers have been committing suicide in all the eight districts of the region. In order to avoid the farmers suicide and to encourage the farmers not to take such extreme step and to give moral support, VNMKV has launched an innovative programme “UMED” since December, 2014. The University scientists visited villages and with the help of school students organized “Prabhat Pheri”. The school students marched through streets holding placards in Prabhat Pheri which give courage and reassurance to the farmers and giving a hope in future.

Scientists diagnosed location specific problems of farmers and recommended to adopt low cost, risk minimizing technologies developed by the university for sustainable farming. Under this programme more than 400 villages were covered from 76 talukas of the region till to date.

H.E. Shri. C. Vidyasagar Rao, Governor, Maharashtra State during his visit to university and Osmanabad district appreciated the programme.

The university is implementing CROPSAP and Hort-SAP Projects for monitoring the pest incidence on major crops of the region in order to avoid the outbreak of pest. Similarly management advice is also given twice in a week for each taluka. The programme has appreciated by the farmers. This is an unique ICT based programme involving different government agencies. The project has received e-Governance award at national level.

Extension Achievements
Extension Achievements

State Department of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra organized special campaign "Unnat Sheti Samrudh Shetakari" during 25th May to 8th June,2017 with the objective to increase the farm production. University constituted teams of scientists at block level for providing training and technical guidance to the farmers and extension workers. District & Divisional level committees monitored the whole campaign.

State Department of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra also organized "Krishi Jagruti Sapthah" during 1st July to 7th july every yearon the eve of Krishi Din. University scientists organized various extension activities in coordination with the State Department of Agriculture during the week.

Extension Achievements

The various programmes implemented by Directorate of Extension have helped in disseminating the knowledge of recent technologies/recommendations given by the university scientists to farmers for adoption. The results are more prominent in the adoption of improved varieties and other management technologies in general in most of the crops. The trainings/workshops, farmers rallies, arranged to different beneficiaries has also helped in disseminating the new technologies up to the farmers. In general the extension work helped in the adoption of IPM, INP & increasing production and productivity in many crops particularly pulses, oilseeds and cereals. The socio-economic status of farming community of the region is improved to a greater extent due to continuous extension efforts under taken by the University.